Keyyang Precision Co., Ltd. (Keyyang Precision) is a turbocharger manufacturer located in Gimchoen GyeongSangBuk-do Korea.
This OEM company may unfamiliar to general end users but well known to the citizens in Gimcheon. To them Keyyang Precision is more famous than those top companies such as Samsung, Hyundai, SK, etc.
In July 2015, the city of Gimcheon celebrated Keyyang Precision as selected in ‘Pride Top Company of My City’ award by hanging its logo flags along the downtown street in the city. The city mayor BoSang Park explained the reason for the award “Keyyang Precision has contributed immensely to Gimcheon by creating jobs, participating social work, and technology development.”
For 20 years since the establishment in small city Gimcheon, now Keyyang Precision has grown to one of global leading turbocharger companies. A turbocharger reuses exhaust gas to rotate the turbine and compressor wheels. This rotational energy compresses the air and supplies it back to the engine, ensuring all fuel is burned before it is vented. A turbocharger is the unique and key part in vehicle components which provides more power to an engine, increases fuel efficiency, and minimize exhaust gas. Only 4 countries in the world have genuine turbo-technology, and Keyyang Precision is one and only company in Korea.
CEO Chung has walked intelligent career path that he was hired in Hyundai Engineering & Construction at the age of 22, became director at 35, and CEO of Hyundai Merchant Marine at 45. At the age of 46, he started Keyynag Precision and began his journey of challenge and responsibility.
“I usually start a morning at 5, but these days I get up at 2 and prepare for the day and spare commuting time for nap to save times. However, at my age, one day might equal to twice than those young people. I was and still am a serious workaholic who loves keeps me busy for work.”
“I started this business with absolutely nothing.” “All roads that lead to success have to pass through hard work and endless strive” said Mr. Chung.
Why he had to start from zero, why he choose Gimcheon as a location for headquarter where he had no connection what so ever.
We interviewed Mr. BuyngKee Chung to question his courageous and challenges story.

Capital city Seoul and rural city Gimcheon is quite a neighbor as compare to global scale.
This is your first press interview, Why have you not done it before, any particular reason?
I believe I should concentrate only on business until a certain point, once you start care about other areas like press, you would lose focus and be neglected to core work.
Keyyang Precision’ headquater is in Gimcheon-si, Where is your main place of residence?
I moved to Gimcheon to show my commitment to our employees and Gimcheon community.
I assume there were benefits provided from Gimcheon
There were no particular monetary benefits but the city has been supportive to improve industry environments.
Then why did you choose Gimcheon?
Gimcheon is center of Korea(South) in logistic way. You can reach anywhere in Korea within 2hours from Gimcheon. I did not have any connection nor networking in this region. Tell you the truth, it was almost impossible to start a factory back then, had to endure 20 hard years (laugh). I was inspired from German companies who are located in deep countryside, out of nowhere but succeed with only their strong technology. I wanted build a company like them.

Choice of multitude is not always choice of wise
Korean economy down them negatively affected auto industry. I assume auto part industry if facing similar condition.
It is concern to auto part industry as well. However, turbocharger industry still shows positive market forecast. As the world become more conscious of environmental concerns regarding exhaust gas, turbochargers are playing the major role in complying both environmental regulations and market demands at the same time. Turbocharger market is in initial stage but the market is expanding its area to not only diesel engines to gasoline engines.
Go back to the 20 years before, turbocharger was unfamiliar product in auto industry. Why did you find turbocharger as an attractive material to begin a business?
Once during a business trip in China, I noticed huge number of people ride bikes to commute. Those people were potential consumers for auto vehicle in near future and the china auto industry would grow extremely as well as environmental issue. It was most certain for me that turbocharger is the solution for the future environmental problem and auto industry. With the scenario in my mind, I traveled all over the world to discuss with industry professionals. Finally I was lucky to have opportunity to meet a R&D director of Mercedes-Benz. I still remember what he advised, “It is mankind’s history of evolution to solve today’s question with tomorrow’s technology. Hard work and endless study is the only way to succeed and the result is inevitable which will bring economic feasibility as mankind has been. “
How did you secure technology of turbocharger?
Turbocharger is highly precise and technology intensive product; even one micrometer on the machine would distort the whole balance of a turbocharger. 20 years ago in Korea, It was impossible to gain technology like that. I had to travel around the world once again to find someone to teach me. Finally I obtained turbocharger assembly permission from MHI, Japan who banned disclose of any intellectual property. Our R&D team had to study turbo technology by ourselves by reverse engineering of MHI’s product from machine, material, design, to production and finally we achieved genuine technology. Some board of director complained my stubbornness that I am crazy enough to research those precise technology in house instead continue just assemble the parts.
People prefer to go on an easy way and try to avoid hard way. I always chose the hard way to accomplish my goal. I guess that is why I could not retire since now. I may not be right but hard way certainly made me learn and experience more.
It’s been 20 years since you started turbocharger business, and it is still a promising market.
I believe naturally aspirated engine will remain more than 100 years. Sure electric engines are trend in emerging market trend but its basic technology is merely transporting exhaust gas to electric power generation. Also hybrid cars are vulnerable in natural disasters. As market continuously demand ecofriendly product, the answer will be turbocharger.
Global expansion is now inevitable in Korea auto manufacturers. How about Keyyang Precision?
As a supplier of GM, we were honored to receive 'Supplier of the Year Award' in March 2015 from GM headquarter. It was first in GM's history that they awarded turbocharger suppliers in their whole auto part division. I believe 'R&D, Price, and Quality' are the key competitive advantages to survive in global market. Therefore I do not hesitate to invest to elevate those conditions.
Explain about Keyyang Precision’s China market expansion
We opened Shanghai Office, sales branch, in September 2013, and established manufacturing plant in Wuxi, production branch, in rural area of Shanghai in April this year. Annual volume of 1,250,000 capacity facility is now on test operation. As you aware, China market is difficult to get in unless you invest in joint venture. We had to confront almost about one year and finally the government agreed on us to start 100% sole proprietorship. It was first an auto part company expanded to China market without large company’s support.
What is this year’s goal?
We are currently cooperating new engine development with 10 different Chinese auto companies and our first product will be on mass production on December this year. The volume is 140 thousand on 2016, 420 thousand in 2017. 300 hundred million won (26million dollar) of annual sales will be increased and by 2019 total global sales will reach 1 trillion won (87million dollar) annually.
Recently Keyyang Precison signed Technology Development Agreement with Texas A&M University. It seems you focus on R&D development.
30% of total sales invested in R&D development in Keyyang Precision. As compare to America or China, Korea turbocharger market is not so matured yet. In order to grow R&D facility with more advanced technology, I believe it is necessary to reach out to global market. We are planning to build global R&D cluster in Texas, Gimcheon, and Seoul to access 24 hours connection of technology development.
Constant study and development is the key
Any advice to those who dream to success
True successor does not 'Takes it all'; 'The Winner Takes It All' is not make sense anymore. Some researchers and engineers in higher position of a company tend to spend most of time on just confirming what subordinates reported, instead continue on their study. Engineer's work and office work are different and should not be conducted jointly. That is why winner takes all. There are people who constantly study and build new software even at the age of 60s. Instead trying to Takes all, engineers should focus on their profession more deeply and it is also company's responsibility to provide such environment.
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